Grace Aberdean Vendor for PRFM #2
Short Description: I curate Original Art, Clothing, Designers, Mid-Century Modern Furniture, Vintage Clothing/Accessories for your Home & Lifestyle General Information: You can find me! I'm a Brick building on the corner of 9th and 22nd. Ave in downtown Tuscaloosa. One block up from the Alcove Bar. My REAL name is Jamie Butler Cicatiello. I got the name grace aberdean from two interstate signs. I believe I would see them in succession when I was driving to my dad’s house in Tuscaloosa from Savannah where I was attaining my Master’s degree in photography. It was that or I saw the signs when I was driving from Savannah to Florida to see my sister but anyway the name came from two road signs. One read Grace Street a 1/4 of a mile and Aberdean Next Left or something to that affect.
Anyway I would always read Grace Aberdean and think, “Wow! that sounds like once classy chick!” Grace was organized, well spoken, tailored, on time basically everything I aspire to be. I got the HABITAT ALCHEMY from searching my mind on what to call the rest of the store. Habitat seemed like a good word since I wanted to put things together for the home and Alchemy I got from reading in a magazine article. I liked the word and decided to look it up and discovered one of the definitions is (and I’m paraphrasing) to take things of little to no value and make them into great value. That seemed perfect because I up cycle furniture and vintage finds that people deemed to have no value and make them into special original items for your home.
I work closely with many neo-crafters and artists from around the U.S. that believe art will help humanity and the home:) I live in Northport Alabama with three cats and two dogs. I’m a bambooster with the black belt bamboost,( we’re building a bamboo park in my community) and I am honored to volunteer with Kentuck and Homegrown Alabama. WEBSITE: